Thursday 1 December 2011

World AIDS Day

Hey guys,

Today being the 1st December marks World AIDS Day. The statics of people who are infected with the HI Virus is still shocking...especially in the southern hemisphere. We still have a long way to go people. I have of recent, found out that a very close friend of mine is also infected with this HI Virus. Needless to say that I was not only shocked by this, but also hurt. The beauty about his recent discovery though is that it not only shed a light about the seriousness of this disease, but it has also prompted me to be extra careful and really take care of myself and realise that it can get to anyone.

I've also been shocked by his attitude towards this revelation. As opposed to dwelling on his sorrows and feeling sorry for himself, my friend took this on by the horns and confronted this virus head on. Not only is he HIV positive, he's attitude has also changed for the POSITIVE. I admire his courage daily. I'm not sure if I would've be as positive. He has taught me a lot about courage. My blog will not be about me this time. I have asked him to put his point across when it comes to this virus. Once again, I need to stress this point. Being HIV positive does not mean that one has AIDS. It is not a death sentence. I would like for you guys to read this "poem" that my friend wrote and I hope that it will change a lot of mindsets about this virus:

"My name is Luqman and I recently discovered that am HIV positive.L
Should i be angry, cry, sad or even hate the person who infected me?
Maybe or maybe not, what’s point?

The sad thing is that I never thought it will happen to me, as i have always been careful...
But i had to get married to be infected, this thing came into my house & my bed.

But one thing I can tell this invader, you came to the wrong body...
You will do as I say, you are not going to take over my’s mine and it be taken care of by me.
You are nothing but an opportunistic filth, that has no place in this world..
I will keep going, eat well (as always) excises and make you invasion hell.
Hiv you have to know that you unwelcome occupier....make no mistake you are going to reside here forever....

I might be hiv positive (also life positive)..."

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