Monday 19 December 2011

The First Long Weekend

Hey you guys,

I can barely keep my eyes opened as I type this. I'm not sure if it's the heat, the long weekend, or the fact that one is not getting any younger; but fact of the matter is that I'm really tired. Hopefully after reading this, you'll have an answer for me. Anyway, the "first" long weekend has come and gone. I have to admit, it was a really good weekend. On Thursday I had a "catch up" session with an old friend and ended up singing wedding songs at another friend's house who was getting married on Saturday. We'll leave the singing of wedding songs for another day. On Friday morning I woke up with a hangover but was happy at the fact that it was a holiday. I spent the better part of the day with family...and "extended family" in the afternoon having meat and beer. What a great afternoon that was. The rest of the day was spent "reconciling" with a few cold ones...LoL

On Saturday morning I woke up thinking it was a Sunday morning...and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Not much happened in the afternoon but then I had to go and play at the Love Revolution gig in Meadowlands. I had an early set. I'm not sure how the rest of the night panned out because the afternoon was a bit slow. People really need to be in the habit of attending gigs early. The whole idea behind the Love Revolution was a picnic. By 7pm, the place should've been packed to capacity. I could tell when I left that it would get packed later at night but was kinda disappointed by the fact that people didn't arrive "on time". I had to rush off to Rockerfella Lounge for the last Soulful Kollective Night for 2011. When I got there, Cnr537 was on the decks. Looking nice in his summer outfit, the boy was really painting the scene on what to expect later in the night. Pity he had to leave early though. Up next was the talented dj/producer from Tembisa, Copasetik Soul. Oh my goodness, was I impressed!!! From the first track right up to the last one, the boy had a flawless mix and the tracks were simply out of this world. He really kept me on my feet till the end of his set. Bee Kay, the boy behind the compilation Deep Xpressions was up next. I just like it when people always come up to me and  always ask me the same thing; "how come we never get to hear such dj's play on a regular basis?" Up next was Thabang from the Chilla Nathi crew. Once again, I was blown away. Jeez, this guy was on point. By this time, people were starting to come in by the numbers. Unfortunately, due to reasons beyond our control, Deep Xcape could not make it to Soweto on time. They missed their set. This however, gave us enough time to play. I had another one-on-one set with my man Jiyane. Really nice time I had. Zakes TruSole decided that he wanted to join. This now became a one-on-one-one set. A super dope time we had. We took people down memory lane, introduced them to new music; had them sing along to a few familiar tracks; had them throw their hands in the air... Oh my goodness...

We'd really love to thank each and everyone of you for making it on Saturday. We really closed the year of in a beautiful way.

Guys, this will probably be my last blog for the year... Key word being, PROBABLY. If I don't get to chat to you for the rest of the year, I would really like each and everyone of you to have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Please take care of yourselves over the rest of the festive season guys. I will see you this coming weekend at the following venues:

23 December: Soulful Evolution @ the Rockerfella Lounge
24 December : 3rd Revibe Party @ the Rockerfella Lounge
25 December: Morris Pub in Dobsonville

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was a Sunday too n Saturday...As a result of this weeknd my voice is gone...Saturday was epic...brought a few of my friends frm the North nd they were happy with the music, they kept on asking me 'whose playing, their good' Soulful Kollective was nice like always, as tired as i was, i still managed to dance...Thank u guys...*salute*

    Alot of us are still in recovery mode frm the weeknd so we dnt blame u for having heavey is gonna take a few days...
