Monday 5 December 2011

Push Up Ya Lighters

Hey you guys,

Yesterday afternoon I was shocked to learn that a friend and favourite dj to a lot of you had passed on. Seems like almost every December we loose dj's nowadays. I was saddened to learn about the sudden passing of DJ Leeby. I can recall the first time I heard of this guy. While studying at Wits Technikon (now the University of Johannesburg), a friend of mine told me about this dj from the Eastern Cape that was about to take over the industry. He was mostly impressed by the fact that this guy had his own turntables in his room (at res). Apparently his room would always have guests because everyone was fascinated by this guy with records and turntables in his room. He would entertain people who genuinely were interested in music and those who aspired to be dj's. "He is really a nice guy" is what my friend would always say. A part of me was somewhat jealous seeing as I thought I was the only dj amongst my friends at tech. Apart from my friend DJ Linda (Da Gr8), I honestly thought we were the "unique" guys at Wits Tech at the time, and here comes this guy from the Eastern Cape (nogal) about to steal my spotlight. I was jealous no doubt...LoL

This jealousy went on until I left Wits Tech. By the time I had left, the man's reputation was spreading across Jozi. I couldn't stand the sight of this man. He was rubbing shoulders with all the right people and was getting all the right bookings. Our paths crossed later on though when we started playing at the same places and started hanging out with the same crowd. Yes, this Leeby guy was always around and we would never really greet. I can safely say that we kinda "tolerated" each because I knew for a fact that he knew who I was. It was not until we played together on one Thursday night at the Capitol Music Cafe. I remember John Da Baptist calling me so that we'd take a picture with Leeby. The man embraced me like I was his long lost friend and he asked me the "strangest" question ever. "dude, let's have a beer" is what he said to me. Could this have been a dream? Was Leeby really being nice to me? Did he even know who I was? I will never answer that question now. I knew from then that I had found a friend. Our next encounter was when we both played at Port Elizabeth. I remember that Saturday night like it was yesterday. We were just a bunch of dj's and people from P.E. hanging outside a club drinking and listening to music from a car. I didn't really know the guys from P.E that well and needless to say, I was a bit of a loner. Leeby noticed my face in the dark and rushed over with a bottle of Heineken and stood next to me and we started sharing jokes and talking about our "shinanigans" in Jo'burg. A suggestion was made by someone to go hang out at the next club in P.E and Leeby out of the blue ditched his friends and was riding with myself and my good friend DJ De Kok. I will not get into much detail about the rest of the night but Leeby was there, embracing "his friend" from Jozi who wasn't familiar with P.E.

Ladies and gents, I'm not about to lie to you and say that Leeby was my best friend. He was not. Leeby was a guy I got to like at a very late stage in my life even though we were always among the same crowd. This man had a passion for music. He loved what he did and he loved life. I will not say I didn't like Leeby. I really was a young boy who was somewhat intimidated by his talent. This is the only dj I know that would play a Bob Marley song at 12 midnight at ANY club and have the crowd go crazy. This guy would break into a song and have everyone push up a lighter and unite everyone with just one song.

Leeby my friend, I never got to enjoy a lot of times with you, but I got to party with you. We knew the same people, we liked the same things and most importantly we both had a passion for music. I wish I had taken the time to get to know you better. I wish someone can come to me now and say this is all a joke. You were a true soldier my friend and I will miss you dearly. Condolances to your family and all your close friends. Let's all have a moment of silence for the beautiful soul guys...and yes, PUSH UP A LIGHTER and remember DJ Leeby. Lala ngoxolo bhuti!!! You will forever be missed.

Another soldier down...

1 comment:

  1. Leeby u will forever b missed...and true story he was very nice guy...i met him a few times...nd i hv never had a negative incounter with the
