Monday 17 October 2011

The After Effect

Hey you guys,

What a weekend I must say. People say that for one to experience joy, you need to go through pain. When a baby's born, someone out there dies. Basically the ying yang theory explains it better. I have to say, this Saturday was one of those days where I overdid a bit...well...a lot...LoL. Yes, I had one too many. This however does not take away the fact that we had a dope time. If you missed out on the Soulful Kollective Night, hey, you did miss out. I can't excuse my drunkeness however, I wrote it down as one of those. I had a lot of fun...but too much fun I must say. I don't think I'm ever gonna go through that again because Sunday was a day from hell for me. I was literally sick the entire day. Yes, I did deserve it I suppose so yeah, it won't happen again...hahahahaha. I really am laughing about it but my good friends were there to make sure I got home safe. Thanks to my boys...

Well, welcome to yet another week guys. Let's all go through it in the most productive manner and achieve the best from it. Much love and respect.
And just for a good laugh, check out the look of a drunk dj as well... Hahahahaha... Yes, this is how I looked when I was sloshed but still managed to rock the crowd...hahahahaha... Happy days I tell ya...

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