Monday 31 October 2011

Summer Weekends

Hey there you guys,

Another weekend has come and gone and one that I will also document as a good weekend. Yes, I was a bit busy throughout the weekend and I have a few people that are really upset with me because I couldn't exactly spend time with them. All I can say to all of you guys is that I'm truly sorry. In life we all have what is called priorities and I had to prioritise a few things before I could spend time with you guys. Save all those "belated birthday drinks" for some other time guys. I'm sorry once again.

That said though, it doesn't take away the fact that I had a good time. On Friday I kicked off the weekend by having drinks with a few friends at the Green & Gold in Constantia Kloof. When it started raining, I decided to call it quits and head for the hood. My next stop was Waxmus' House Of Wax Sessions at Mmabutho's in Chiawelo. Even though the hommie Wax was a bit under the weather, he still managed to pull a nice session. Big up hommie. Hope you're feeling much better. Later I went to DiSofeng to check out my KayB's Foam Party. What a party. I honestly didn't think there'd be foam there (judging by the weather) but I got there and found foam all over. Katt, Kay-B, my boy Sai, you guys were really on a mission to get me drunk with all the Tecquilla shots hey. Every second person I hugged was wet from the foam. Good to see that we still have people that still party hard out there. Big up Kay-B, you had a killer party my man. Saturday was meant to be a big one for me but I had so much to do. It didn't help that the guys that had booked me for the Bowtie & Stilletto party decided to cancel me on the last minute. Guys, a simple lesson when it comes to running events, always keep your stakeholders at bay with everything that happens with your events. The lack of professionalism really put me off and I can say that I'll be able to work with you guys in the near future. Please get your house in order. Later I went to my second gig for the day, The Soweto Beer Festival. Wow!!! Big up to the organisers of this event. Everything was on point. The professionalism, the hospitality...everything. Eventhough the weather wanted to spoil the event, I was happy to see people dancing in the rain. The point was to have fun, and boy did the guys have fun.

I ended up playing a one-on-one set with my man Claude, and we both enjoyed it to the core. Pity we couldn't play for long. Thank you to all of you that came. Thank you to all of you that came to say "what's up" to me. It meant quite a lot.

Sunday was a day for relaxation. I was supposed to play at DJ Mbuso's CD Launch at Joe's in Alex but that fell through as well. I didn't complain though cause I really needed the rest. This weekend sees my boy DJ Jiyane celebrate his birthday. You know I'm gonna have a lot to say about that. It promises to be a killer party. Why don't you come and join us. I'll be giving you more info about that party later in the week. For now, I'd like to wish all of you a blessed week. Check me out during my escapades in the weekend with my boys...

Piece and love guys...

Monday 24 October 2011

Stay True

Hi guys,

I hope you all had a good weekend. I have to say, this weekend has to have been one of the most enlightening weekends for me. I learnt the value of friendship over the weekend. So often we meet people in life and claim to be their friends but it takes one, just one incident to learn if they really who they claim to be. All I'm trying to say here guys is that actions speak louder than words; especially when it comes to friendships. Never call someone a friend when you know deep in you that they are not.

Interesting weekend though none-the-less. I would like to send a huge shoutout to Waxmus for a nice party on Friday at Sister Sister. I roped in a close friend of mine (Khotso) to have a one-on-one set with at Sister Sister and I really enjoyed it. Thank you to all of you that hung out with us. Next, we went to check my boy Big Sky's 30th birthday party at DiSofeng. Wow, what a party as well. Huge turn out. It was interesting to see my boy walking around with a bottle of Tecquilla and hugging everyone around. I'm not sure if he does remember speaking to me, but hey man, he had to let go, it was his special day. That was a lot of fun.

I missed out on the Frolic 6 gig on Saturday unfortunately but I believe it was a very good party. Shoutout to Frolic 6. On Sunday I had to play at Uba Ultra's gig at the Panyaza in Dube. That was also a nice party. I still don't know how I agreed to have those Tecquilla shots with Ribatone and Trevor The Japanesse, but hey, I did. Thank you for all the love guys and nice party Uba.

It's a brand new week guys and let's have a productive one. This coming weekend will be a hectic one. I'll keep you updated later in the week. The Soulful Kollective Radio Show #57 will be podcasted on Wednesday guys. My man Sai will be in the mix. Stay tuned for that...

Monday 17 October 2011

The After Effect

Hey you guys,

What a weekend I must say. People say that for one to experience joy, you need to go through pain. When a baby's born, someone out there dies. Basically the ying yang theory explains it better. I have to say, this Saturday was one of those days where I overdid a bit...well...a lot...LoL. Yes, I had one too many. This however does not take away the fact that we had a dope time. If you missed out on the Soulful Kollective Night, hey, you did miss out. I can't excuse my drunkeness however, I wrote it down as one of those. I had a lot of fun...but too much fun I must say. I don't think I'm ever gonna go through that again because Sunday was a day from hell for me. I was literally sick the entire day. Yes, I did deserve it I suppose so yeah, it won't happen again...hahahahaha. I really am laughing about it but my good friends were there to make sure I got home safe. Thanks to my boys...

Well, welcome to yet another week guys. Let's all go through it in the most productive manner and achieve the best from it. Much love and respect.
And just for a good laugh, check out the look of a drunk dj as well... Hahahahaha... Yes, this is how I looked when I was sloshed but still managed to rock the crowd...hahahahaha... Happy days I tell ya...

Friday 14 October 2011

Nitelife Saturdays with Blackcoffee

Check me out at Nitelife Saturday's doing my thing with Blackcoffee. What a night. Thanks Sai & Ribatone!!!

Soulful Kollective Night

Hey guys,

Welcome to my blogging page. Thank you for following me. There will nice goodies for you in the coming weeks from this page to keep you entertained for some time. Tell your friends to tell their friends that Brian Blaq is blogging and let's all be friends. Join me this Saturday (15 October 2011) at the Rockerfella Lounge with my compadres as we host yet another Soulful Kollective Night. Oh, you didn't know, Brian Blaq is a member of the Soulful Kollective!!!

As always, we feature the best dj's on the decks. This Saturday will not be different. We have on the decks Deep Xcape. I have to add that these cats have been producing some good music and doing great remixes. I'm a huge fan of these dO iT nOw Recording artists. We've also got Cnr537, DJ Spin The Rockster and my partners in crime of course, The Soulful Kollective (DJ Jiyane and Sai). It promises to be a beautiful night, so yeah, come hang out with us guys. Check out the latest Soulful Kollective Show #56 with my hommie DJ Jiyane in the mix guys...

Let the good times roll guys!!!