Monday 21 November 2011

We Party Hard

Hey you beautiful people,

I'm on super nostalgia as I type this. I'm listening to Keith Murray's first album; "The Most Beautifullest Thing In The World". What a super album this is. I say this again, hip hop will never get back to the 1991 - 1997 era. Those were the best years for hip hop. The creativity, lyrical content and overall love for the culture was on some tip. Shout out to the Green-Eye'd Bandit Erick Sermon for discovering the talents of Redman and Keith Murray. 

Anyway, before I get carried away, another weekend has come and past. On Friday I did not get up to much. On Saturday however, the Soulful Kollective had an interview at Rhythm100. Shout out to my girls Miss Pru and DJ Sue. You girls have a beautiful show. Everything was planned to the tee. Yes, I arrived late for the interview, but damn man, we had fun hangin' out with the ladies of house. I see a great future in you guys. Thank you for a killer interview. Later we moved to Rockerfella for what was meant to have been the last Soulful Kollective Night for 2011. Bhuts Tunz kicked off the night. The one thing I like about dj's of his calibre is the level of perfectionism. I spoke to him and he complained about not being happy with his set. Well, it was a different case on my end. I thought the man had a beautiful set. My boy Kay-B was up next. As always, my man represented and blazed some killer local house tunes. I have to confess, I didn't know most of the songs he played but damn they sounded so good. And yes, they were mostly local tunes. Killer set my brother. DJ Sue was up next. What a soulful sister this dj is. She played some killer soulful house tunes. It was nice to hear her play one of her own songs. Damn, this girl can sing!!! Unfortunately Big Daddy Mdoo couldn't make it for the Soulful Kollective Night however, he asked Zakes TruSole to play on his behalf. My crazy friend really represented on the one's and two's. I have to say though, Zakes is trully one of thee most underrated dj's we have in South Africa. Closing the night off was the Soulful Kollective. We decided to have a two-hour one-on-one-one set with the guys. We really had fun. It really was one of the most beautiful Soulful Kollective Nights we've had this year....and yes, this time, I remember everything I got up to...hahahahahahaha. Shout out to each and everyone of you that made it on Saturday. We really appreciate the support you guys are giving us.

The Sai & Ribatone cd is now available guys. It seems like all the distribution issues have now been resolved. So guys, go out in your numbers and get this beautiful cd. This coming Wednesday, you can catch me doing my thing on the one's and two's on one of the world's best deep house radio stations, QH Radio between 15:00 - 16:00pm. Log on to and check me out.

With that said guys, y'all have a beautiful week ahead. I think I ought to hook you guys up with a nice mix just as a "thank you" for following my blog. Thank you for the support guys. Please spread the word.

Monday 14 November 2011

The Heat Wave!!!


Global Warming is no joke!!! The days are getting hotter. Unfortunately, this does not only affect our planet, but it affects our bodies as well. We all get unreasonably tired due to the heat and that affects our sleeping patterns as well. We really need to take this issue seriously guys. Do your best to make sure that you are informed and find out what you can do to make sure you play your role at ensuring that you save the planet. It's not looking good guys.

Anyway, the weekend has come and gone. Nothing much happened on Friday. On Saturday, I witnessed my lovely 5 year old niece graduate from creche (or kindergarten as most of you like to call it). T'was really nice to hang out with the little one's. I have to admit, we really don't give those in the teaching profession the respect that they deserve. The time, effort and attention they give to our children really deserves much applaud. Not only that, I think their salary structure needs to be re-visited. I mean, it was only yesterday that this little girl couldn't even pronounce her own name properly. Through hard work, dedication and attention that these teachers gave her; not only can she say her name but can also write her name now. Much respect to all the teachers out there.

Later that day, I had to go play at the Big Sky and Bhutz Tunz's Noma Yini gig that took place at the Rockerfella Lounge. The gig started off slowly. At some point I was even panicking, thinking that it would not be as full, but to my surprise, as soon as I finished my set, I could already see people coming in. I then went to check out my man QT's birthday party at MeLi's Pub in Pimville. When I got there, the party was already blazing. Fistaz was on the decks. A huge turnout that was. It was good seeing "old" faces as well. Shout out to DJ's Mavusana, Funky Lemon, Bilal and Khotso. It was good "catching up" with all of you boys. I then made my way back to Rockerfella. By the time I got back, the party was blazing. T4 and Big Sky were burning it up on the decks. I have to admit, the boys lived up to the theme. It really was "Noma Yini". We were jamming to anything from the Notorious B.I.G. to Stimela. I really liked that. I didn't know that so many of you could relate to most of the songs that were being played. Much love and respect to Bhutz and Big Sky. Good party gents.

This weekend will see another Soulful Kollective Night at Rockerfella guys. Keep your ear to the ground for more information about it.

Apologies to those of you that couldn't find the Sai & Ribatone cd over the weekend guys. There were some issues with the distribution of the cd. It was only available at selected music shops. The issue should be sorted out tomorrow. By Wednesday, you should be able to walk into most cd shops and get it. If you still can't get it at you local shop, please place an order guys.

Let's all have a productive week guys. Chat later...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Countdown Has Begun

Hi guys,

Let me start by apologising for sending this blog so late. Things have been really crazy on my side of the world. Let me quickly take you back to my weekend. Not much happened on Friday but it was good catching up with two old friends for a drink...ok, it was beer...hahahahaha. Not much though. I had an early night. Saturday was also a day for chores during the day but then night time came and my boy DJ Jiyane was turning a year older. What a beautiful party the boy had. It was at the Steakhouse in Mofolo and I must say, the turn out was great. When I got there, my main man Big Daddy Mdoo was on the one's and two's. I only caught the last 30 minutes of his set but boy I have to say, I was blown away. Then the performance we were all waiting for; Zano!!! Oh the ladies were screaming...and the birthday boy had his hands in the air as well and singing along...yes, Jiyane was singing along to Zano's tunes. I was standing in the corner...singing along as well. Super performance from Zano. Immediately after that, my boy Zakes TruSole came on. IYOOOOO, what a deep and soulful set. I was really blown away. As per usual, the "spirit" possessed Zakes, and he really did his thing on the decks. I was even afraid of playing after him cause he had the crowd eating from the palm of his hands. The birthday boy's hands were really itching, and he opted to play a one-on-one set with me. What a fun set that was. We really had fun...and I believe the crowd did as well. On the whole, it was really a beautiful party that my man had on Saturday and big up everybody that came to support.

I was slightly disappointed by a few incidents that took place at the door. I fail to understand why people can't just support without wanting to cause havoc. I was happy however to see the guys sort their beef out quickly. On the whole, a very nice party. On Sunday, I had to wake up very early to do the 10km Soweto Marathon. Let me be honest, I was really unfit this year. Even as I write this blog, my muscles are still stiff from Sunday's run. I did however manage to finish the race. Shout out to Tirana and Andries. You guys kept me going even when I felt I couldn't do it anymore. I GOT MY MEDAL!!! Whoo hooo!!! I did spend the rest of the afternoon sleeping though...hahahaha.

Guys we are counting the days till the release of the loooooooong awaited Sai & Ribatone's "Here & Now" cd. 11 NOVEMBER 2011 is the official release date of this beautiful cd. I'm very privilaged because I had the opportunity of listening to the "finished" product and let me tell you, this is one cd you need to have in your collection. Get the Sai & Ribatone -  Here & Now this Friday guys. You will not regret it!!!