Thursday 1 March 2012

Sai & Ribatone - "Here & Now" CD Launch

Hi guys,

It is with excitement that I have to announce this. On Saturday (03 March 2012), sees the official launch of an album that is very close to my heart. I have had the pleasure of seeing these guys "cook" most of the songs on the album from scratch. I witnessed them go through the up's and down's of the music industry. I've seen them frustrated by the fact that they were not getting any recording deals. I've shared in their short-lived joys at the news that someone would sign them up, and shortly after that have to hear that the deal couldn't go through. I literally felt like this was my own album. Yes, in it's own funny way, this album is MINE. I will never forget the day the boys put ink to paper on the contract presented by Soulistic Music. Well, a lot has happened since that day. The album "Here & Now" finally came into "being". We were all taken aback when we first touched the actual cd. The work has begun. The music video to the song "Tonite" will be out very soon. With all of these things happening, the boys felt it best that they have their first official launch in their own township. The township where they first got some serious love when they first rocked the crowd. Yes, the first official cd launch is happening on the 3rd guys at the Orlando Towers. The monumental place that has become a signature identity for Soweto.

Soweto stand up and be proud of your boys. Come and support them at the Orlando Towers. The event starts at 12 midday, and the dj line up will be superb. There will also be live perfomances from Thiwe, Tshepo (who have been featured on the album),Tumelo and Kabomo. Yes ladies that's right, Tumelo and Kabomo will be making guest appearances on Saturday. Please note that the event is free until 18:00pm and R30 thereafter.

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