Monday 23 January 2012

There Is No Set Formula

Hi guys,

I know I have been quiet for sometime now and I apologise for the silence. So much is happening currently. Yes, it's not an excuse and I apologise for that. I wish I could explain the reason for the quietness but unfortunately, I cannot share the news right now but hopefully will soon. Now that everything has gone back to "normal", I just wanted to talk about an issue that has been bothering me for quite sometime and would really like to get your input on this matter.

So often I've had dj's come up to me wanting me to "help" them with their dj'ing career. This kind of  "help" ranges from giving music, to "guest featuring" dj's at my events and mentorship. Now guys, I would really like for you to read this blog carefully and make sure that my words are not misinterpreted in any way. I honestly do not have any problem with helping anyone get somewhere with their career. I don't have any problem sharing ideas on the industry and even giving advise on how to go about achieving certain things. My biggest problem has always been with people that expect "hand outs" from other people. I don't expect anyone at this this day in age to still expect me to take them by the hand and show them how things are done. With the availability of information from the internet and social networking, I've seen "ordinary" people become superstars overnight. Fact of the matter is that people need to read...equip themselves with information and be at a position where they can achieve what they want in a short space of time. Fair enough, I've had someone that helped me in some way or the other to get to where I am, but I am very far from making it. Getting help from someone required that I own my career as well and use the little information I obtained to take me somewhere.

Guys, at this day in age, we can't have a generation of people not wanting to empower themselves with knowledge. READ guys. The internet is there for a reason. Use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even MySpace effectively guys. We are in the djing industry for a reason. We ultimately want to make a living from this industry we are so passionate about. How do I take you with me to an event that I'm getting paid for and have YOU play on my behalf? Who's getting paid at the end of the day? Use my "path to success" as a means to make your path better. Do not copy what I have done with the hope that you will also make it. Vinny Da Vinci, Fresh, Euphonik all don't have the same stories however, their point of referrence is similar. They all took someone else's path as an inspiration to become better. Be yourself and have faith in what you do and start making things happen for yourself. I've listened to so many mixes from so many dj's and to be quite honest with you, they all sound the same. I feel like I'm listening to another mix by Vinny Da Vinci. Be creative guys. How do you expect to be famous when you sound like another dj who already is famous. There is so much music out there available to us guys and yet I go to all these parties and hear dj's playing the same old music over, and over, and over again. I hear mixes with same old music over and over and over again.

Guys, this simple. There is not set formula to this industry. I know of dj's who didn't have to go to a dj school to learn the art of mixing and yet they were able to become household names. I know of dj's that didn't finish school and became famous and of course I also know of dj's who went to school, studied, had someone teach them how to mix and became very popular. The common denominator with these "famous" dj's is that they chose to be real to themselves. They chose to be innovative. They chose to be creative and most importantly, they took the little knowledge they obtained and chose to be different to the next dj. We become so fixated at pleasing the crowd and criticism that we loose ourselves in this industry. People will forever criticise. Whether you do the "right" thing or not, fact of the matter is that, you take the criticism, turn into a positive and work at being better. Success does not happen overnight. It takes time, effort and consistancy. Maybe that's the answer that everyone is looking for. So yes, I may have just found the answer to the formula after all. Use that, and empower yourself. Don't expect me or anyone else to make YOUR career flourish.

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