Monday 30 January 2012


Hey guys,

Thank you all for the great feedback I got about the last blog. The love and support is greatly appreciated. The blog got so many people inspired and it’s only fitting that I have a follow up to that conversation. Often I chat to people and they always tell me just how envious they are at the fact that I love music so much. I keep hearing the same question over and over again; “Brian, how do you do it? How do you keep going?” The answer is simple guys, PASSION.    

It’s no secret that I love music guys. I love djing. I love the feeling I get every time I play a song and have the crowd sing along, nod their heads and watch people forget their problems for those few minutes and just be “free”. It’s an indescribable feeling. So often people confuse this feeling and think the moment is about me. It’s never about me. It’s about the people listening and the emotion they have when they hear a song. I’m only the facilitator of that relationship they have with that artist at that point in time. It’s a job I feel I’ve been assigned to do. I’ve been brought to this earth to fulfill that duty. I thank God every day that he gave me this job. Like any other industry though, there are politics involved in the music business. Enough politics to make one want to quit and just do something else. I did quit once. I felt I had had enough and decided to do something else. That decision didn’t last for too long though. People have asked me what made me come back, and the answer was and still is simple, PASSION. In all the time that I had quit, and never wanted anything to do with the music industry, I realized that I had been miserable and didn’t have anything to live for. It all felt so “dry”. Until that one evening when I was driving around Jo’burg with a friend and heard that one song on 5FM that just brought back that feeling I had when I bought my first record. The same feeling I had when I played my first record from my run down turntable I bought from a dj friend. The indescribable feeling I got the first time I stood in a dj box to play for people in a club in Sebokeng. It all came back. Right there and then, I decided that I wanted to go back to the music industry. I had found my PASSION. I was excited, and I made things happen. I’ve never looked back since.

Guys, I’m not here to convince you to all go into the music industry, or even act as your career guidance teacher. This industry is not as glamorous as it seems. What I’m really trying to say is that everyone out there needs to find their PASSION. I always say that finding your passion means finding that one thing that brings joy and a sense of fulfillment each time you do it. If you have a passion for numbers, then maybe you need to pursue a career in accounting. If you are the talkative type, then a career in public speaking could be the direction you need to consider. All in all, it really needs to be something you love doing. Once you find that passion, understand that it will never be smooth sailing. You will be criticized, made fun of, turned down and even told that you’re not good enough. That should never deter you and break your spirits. As long as you have that burning desire and excitement whenever you do it; know that it is exactly what you need to be doing. Surround yourself with people that’ll help you grow and be willing to have them give you the good and bad that you do. Let the criticism build you. I’m often told that I play rubbish. I’m told I’m arrogant, but all that never breaks me down. If anything, it only means that someone is conscious of what I’m doing…and that is enough for me. Guys, find your PASSION, work on it constantly. You will find that life is worth more than just waking up and going to that same old depressing desk and doing the same thing over and over again. Find that PASSION AND LIVE IT!!!

Monday 23 January 2012

There Is No Set Formula

Hi guys,

I know I have been quiet for sometime now and I apologise for the silence. So much is happening currently. Yes, it's not an excuse and I apologise for that. I wish I could explain the reason for the quietness but unfortunately, I cannot share the news right now but hopefully will soon. Now that everything has gone back to "normal", I just wanted to talk about an issue that has been bothering me for quite sometime and would really like to get your input on this matter.

So often I've had dj's come up to me wanting me to "help" them with their dj'ing career. This kind of  "help" ranges from giving music, to "guest featuring" dj's at my events and mentorship. Now guys, I would really like for you to read this blog carefully and make sure that my words are not misinterpreted in any way. I honestly do not have any problem with helping anyone get somewhere with their career. I don't have any problem sharing ideas on the industry and even giving advise on how to go about achieving certain things. My biggest problem has always been with people that expect "hand outs" from other people. I don't expect anyone at this this day in age to still expect me to take them by the hand and show them how things are done. With the availability of information from the internet and social networking, I've seen "ordinary" people become superstars overnight. Fact of the matter is that people need to read...equip themselves with information and be at a position where they can achieve what they want in a short space of time. Fair enough, I've had someone that helped me in some way or the other to get to where I am, but I am very far from making it. Getting help from someone required that I own my career as well and use the little information I obtained to take me somewhere.

Guys, at this day in age, we can't have a generation of people not wanting to empower themselves with knowledge. READ guys. The internet is there for a reason. Use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even MySpace effectively guys. We are in the djing industry for a reason. We ultimately want to make a living from this industry we are so passionate about. How do I take you with me to an event that I'm getting paid for and have YOU play on my behalf? Who's getting paid at the end of the day? Use my "path to success" as a means to make your path better. Do not copy what I have done with the hope that you will also make it. Vinny Da Vinci, Fresh, Euphonik all don't have the same stories however, their point of referrence is similar. They all took someone else's path as an inspiration to become better. Be yourself and have faith in what you do and start making things happen for yourself. I've listened to so many mixes from so many dj's and to be quite honest with you, they all sound the same. I feel like I'm listening to another mix by Vinny Da Vinci. Be creative guys. How do you expect to be famous when you sound like another dj who already is famous. There is so much music out there available to us guys and yet I go to all these parties and hear dj's playing the same old music over, and over, and over again. I hear mixes with same old music over and over and over again.

Guys, this simple. There is not set formula to this industry. I know of dj's who didn't have to go to a dj school to learn the art of mixing and yet they were able to become household names. I know of dj's that didn't finish school and became famous and of course I also know of dj's who went to school, studied, had someone teach them how to mix and became very popular. The common denominator with these "famous" dj's is that they chose to be real to themselves. They chose to be innovative. They chose to be creative and most importantly, they took the little knowledge they obtained and chose to be different to the next dj. We become so fixated at pleasing the crowd and criticism that we loose ourselves in this industry. People will forever criticise. Whether you do the "right" thing or not, fact of the matter is that, you take the criticism, turn into a positive and work at being better. Success does not happen overnight. It takes time, effort and consistancy. Maybe that's the answer that everyone is looking for. So yes, I may have just found the answer to the formula after all. Use that, and empower yourself. Don't expect me or anyone else to make YOUR career flourish.

Monday 9 January 2012

Happy 2012!!!

Hello everybody,

Happy new year everyone!!! I hope the festive season was good for all of you. Eventhough I was working the entire December, I still managed to have a good time with friends and family. I hope you did the same. So often we tend to forget what the holiday season is about and end up spending it with people that don't really matter in our lives. I hope 2012 is a good year for all of us. I'm not even going to entertain the whole new year resolutions and staff. If you've made them, stick to them. If not, hey, life goes one. I do however hope that you've set realistc goals and will be doing your ultimate best to achieve them.

A big shoutout to each and everyone of you that booked me for your events during December. All of them were on point and I hope I did not disappoint you as well. Let's hope the relationships will continue in 2012 as well. My first Saturday for 2012 was really a good one. I checked out The Warm Up Sessions in downtown Johannesburg. Whoever said that downtown Jozi was dead obviously hasn't been to these sessions. I have unfortunately missed the first three sessions but this one really was on point. Shoutout to Phat Jack, 2lani The Warrior, Kid Fonque, Till Von Sein and everyone behind these sessions. You guys really made my Saturday. I got there in the afternoon and already the party was on fire. The rain didn't spoil the fun. My man 2lani The Warrior was about to hit the decks when I got there and as always, the man didn't disappoint. He got everyone dancing with some seriously deep house tunes. Kid Fonque was up next and this man just took the party to the next level. The boy's got soul no doubt. He had an amazing set as well. Watching the sun go down from the concrete jungle while listening to some funky house music is an experience that one never forgets.

The night was young. 2lani and myself still wanted to party. We then went to Bryanston to check out Benny's party. Very nice, secluded location. An intimate set up is what awaited us. The weather was beautiful and the people were just nice and chilled. We got to hang out with some old faces while sipping on whisky and got to have good conversation with everyone there. The environment was so nice that we even lost track of time. Next thing we knew, we had the employees of the venue informing us that the venue was closed and we were the last people there. A big shoutout to Benny. Nice party my man.

Guys, plans are underway to make sure that 2012 really is a good year. I have big plans and you are all gonna be a part of those plans. So keep your ear to ground...or better yet, check out the blog and you will be in the loop with all that I have planned... FOR YOU!!!

Here's to a good year!!!